Thierry Boivin wrote:

I am trying to play with AES crypto in counter mode. Using the crypto library against reference vectors found in IPSec RFC fails until the incrementation function (AES_ctr128_inc()) is modified in order to get a +1 step instead of a +2^64 step. Where does the actual "increment by 2^64" come from ?

Read the documents on AES counter mode. The counter is a 64-bit counter but the blocksize is 128, and the convention is that the counter is a Big Endian number with only the MSW used.

[from Lipmaa, Rogaway & Wagner]

        In the recommended usage scenario, the party encrypting maintains an
        integer counter, nonce, initially 0, and produces the string ctr as
        the 128-bit string which encodes the number nonce * 2^64.

Don't ask me *why* it's that way -- the choice of a mere 64 bits is
clearly done in order to avoid a well-known attack against stream ciphers,
since one can begin to distinguish a stream from random after 2^90 or so

Maybe the Big Endian choice is a subtle protest against Wintel?


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 wiser, but an intelligent man requires only two thousand five hundred."
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