In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 03 Jul 2003 01:04:45 +0200, David Maurus 

lists> sorry for not answering before - I assumed that my position on
lists> this was clear ;-).

Just wanted to make sure I hadn't misunderstood.  Not being native
english has played tricks on me before :-/.

lists> The code does exactly what I'd propose and what I consider to
lists> be the best trade off.


lists> I'd like to point out again that we should not forget to think
lists> of the usage restrictions of counter mode, should somebody
lists> actually implement AES-CTR in SSL/TLS (i.e. make sure that the
lists> counter does not overflow into the nonce).

I'll make sure to document it.

lists> One additional note: Shouldn't the comment for AES_ctr128_encrypt 
lists> reflect that the parameter 'counter' should be initialized with
lists> a nonce in the upper 64 bits?

Assuming there are probably going to be variants, I'll probably
express that in more general terms, with 64 bits being an example.
The only thing we can say for sure is that the counter part resides in
the lowest n bits.

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