What about the 32 octets in the finished message(CipherText)? How can we have it?

Thank you

Jostein Tveit wrote:
Mohamad Badra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have 2 questions about this sequence number in TLS:

1)What is the value of finished's sequence number? It is zero?

>From RFC2246 page 16:
  sequence number
       Each connection state contains a sequence number, which is
       maintained separately for read and write states. The sequence
       number must be set to zero whenever a connection state is made
       the active state. Sequence numbers are of type uint64 and may not
       exceed 2^64-1. A sequence number is incremented after each
       record: specifically, the first record which is transmitted under
       a particular connection state should use sequence number 0.

This mean that the next message after a ChangeCipherSpec will
always have sequence number 0.

2) Is there any command line with OpenSSLto have the MAC?

Not as far as I know. The MAC is encrypted and you must have
access to the session key to print the MAC.
ssldump <URL: http://www.rtfm.com/ssldump/ > can decrypt certain
SSL connections, but I don't think it is capable of printing the
MAC. You can probably hack the source, though.


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