In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:00:15 -0600, "Gary Walters" 

garwal> I have been working on porting OpenSSL to the THEOS Operating
garwal> System.  The C compiler is ANSI C compliant and "mostly" ISO
garwal> C99 compliant.  However, it is not as feature rich as GCC.  My
garwal> main problem is with the function pointer callbacks that
garwal> accept parameters.  I'm finding that I have to modify the
garwal> source a lot in order to get it to compile.
garwal> Does anyone have any suggestions that may help me in porting
garwal> OpenSSL to this environment?  Is there another SSL toolkit
garwal> that is more ANSI C friendly?

Uhmm, OpenSSL is supposed to be ANSI C (well, at least C89) friendly.
It may be that we haven't done a good enough job and that we need to
correct some things, but that would require that you help us figure it
out by sending us *complete* build logs.

As for other SSL toolkits, I can't say that I've much experience, so I
can't really help you there.

OBTW, what OpenSSL version did you use?

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Richard Levitte   \ Tunnlandsvägen 52 \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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