>>but nt.mak  contins line
>>CFLAG= /MD /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /W3 /WX /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo
>>The first option is /MD  - Multithreaded DLL code generation
>>But for static library option should be  /MT Multithreaded code
> Not really, IMHO. Note that /MD or /MT is just about whether you
> want your (static) library to be used with the static C library
> or with the DLL.

One can actually argue that originator might have a viable point! Well, 
I [also] disagree with formulation, /MD being *wrong*, but one can argue 
that /MT is simply *more versatile*! Let's just take a level below and 
figure out what *exactly* /MD vs. /MT means...

At the upper level /MD means "define _DLL and _MT at compile time and 
link with MSVCRT at link time," right? At the object module level it 
effectively means "adhere to MT-safe API, prepend CRT functions with 
__imp__ prefix and tag object module with -defaultlib:MSVCRT." It should 
be explicitly noted that _DLL macro is effectively responsible for 
__imp__ prefix.

Now what's the deal with /MT? It means "define _MT at compile time and 
link with LIBCMT at link time," right? At the object module level it 
effectively means "adhere to MT-safe API, call CRT functions by 
*undecorated* name and tag the object module with -defaultlib:LIBCMT."

What happens if you try to mix object modules compiled with /MT [from 
application] and with /MD [from library]? Would it pull in MSVCRT to 
resolve __imp__ references from library and LIBCMT by means of of 
-defaultlib from application objects? Appears so... Would it have side 
effects? Yes, it would... Is there "right thing" to do? Hmmm....

What happens if you try to link undecorated symbol, one without __imp__ 
prefix, against MSVCRT? It's not a problem! Linker will transparently 
pull in a small stub for every CRT function you call, which would relay 
say _printf to __imp__printf! Would it work other way around? No! So 
wouldn't it be appropriate to say that it's actually more versatile 
option to generate static lib with /MT, i.e. without __imp__-prefixed 
symbols, and allow application developer decide which library, MSVCRT or 
LIBCMT, he wants to link with? Yes. But there is a pitfall! Application 
developer may no longer depend on /MT or /MD at link time, but instead 
link with /LINK /NODEFAULTLIB[:LIBCMT] and *then* pick either LIBCMT.LIB 
or MSVCRT.LIB, whichever appropriate. Well, only MSVCRT developer would 
actually have to bother...

In other words. One can actually argue that it's more appropriate to 
generate static library with /MT instead of /MD, but given that MSVCRT 
application developers adhere to /LINK /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT MSVCRT.LIB 
upon target application link.

Further opinions? BTW, is there a way to prevent compiler from tagging 
object module with *any* -defaultlib? A.

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