
I have put some effort and succeeded to build version 1.0.0 Beta 3 on

... actually the lion part of the job was already done by SMS and
properly merged up to 1.0.0 Beta - as you can read at

I was forced to change few make files and some headers, configuration
files etc. and would like to provide a patch.

As you probably know VMS has a different DIFF output than UNIX diff and
is not able to produce patch output.
Please advice, how can I share my changes. 

May I submit a standard VMS diff output here?  

Thank you in advance.

Zoltan Arpadffy

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven M. Schweda [mailto:s...@antinode.info] 
Sent: den 15 juli 2009 21:48
To: openssl-dev@openssl.org
Subject: OpenSSL 1.0.0 beta3 release v. VMS

From: "Dr. Stephen Henson" <st...@openssl.org>

>   OpenSSL version 1.0.0 Beta 3

   The VMS build fails pretty quickly.  The VMS builders seem to have
gained some of the changes I've suggested for 0.9.8k (like
), but there's still a lot of junk (like, for example,
      $ IF ARCH .EQS. "AXP"
where ARCH is now never "AXP"), and, I fear, much, much more.

   Should I be trying to do something to (re-) straighten out the mess,
or is it already better than it seems, or does someone think that it
works, or what?


   Steven M. Schweda               s...@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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