
There will be more comments later.

> - for SHA1(x2) /SHA256(+40%), not such to say. The SHA256 gain is
> limited due to the low register count of the SH4

It was not my intention to make you implement SHA256. But since you've
chosen to do it here it goes.

1. The file should have been called sha256-sh4.pl, not sha512-sh4.pl.
MIPS, as well as number of other modules, are called sha512-*, because
they either generate *both* SHA512 and SHA256 or SHA512 alone. Modules
that can't generate SHA512 code should *not* be called sha512-*:-)

2. Why do you use tables of small constants? There is 'mov #imm,Rn'
instruction, where #imm is 8-bit signed value. Works for all [Ss]igma
constants. As for mask_ff. There is extu.b that does &0xff...

3. Position independence is still problem.

> - In SH4 asm, the MOVA is hidden behind a normal mov.l without a base
> register, so in fact, it is used very often.

Can't confirm this. Well, I can see now that it extensively uses 'mov.l
@(disp,PC),Rn' for loading constants, but no mova... I.e. following is

        mov.l   label,rx

        .long   xxxx

Only[!] as long as xxxx is *not* another label, in which case a
relocation record is generated voiding position independence.

> The issue is that the possible offset (256 words forward only from the
> mov.l) is very small, so it is just not possible to use direct access
> most of the time.
> This is normal for this CPU.

Right. So position-independent way to pull K256 address is something
like following:

        mova    K256,r0
        bra     skip

.align  4
        .long   ....


Needless to mention that 'skip' can be something that is already there,
e.g. sha256asm_loop0.

Looping is not position-independent either, not in SHA1 nor SHA256.
Position-independent way (for loops larger than 4KB) is following:

        mov.l   loop_size,rx
        braf    rx
.align  4
        .long   loop_start-loop_stop

More to come... A.
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