I'm running the following commands on Windows with the latest code from the
1.0.1 branch:

 set FIPSDIR=..\dep
 perl Configure fips no-hw VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:\devel\openssl\out
 call ms\do_nasm

The do_nasm script runs:
 perl util\mkfiles.pl 1>MINFO
 perl util\mk1mf.pl nasm VC-WIN32 1>ms\nt.mak
 perl util\mk1mf.pl dll nasm VC-WIN32 1>ms\ntdll.mak
 perl util\mk1mf.pl nasm BC-NT 1>ms\bcb.mak

All of the mk1mf.pl lines fail, however, with:
 no rule for crypto\modes\ghash-x86 at util\mk1mf.pl line 966.

This failure is fairly recent (within the last two weeks). It was not
happening previously.

Any help or a fix would be much appreciated.


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