> I too am experiencing a segfault in openssh when connecting to a
> particular Linux host.

So you mean you can login to say 2-3-4-5 other hosts, but not one
specific. Tough break...

> This did work fine with the previous version
> of libssl (I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 so this was 1.0.0 before
> upgrading to 1.0.1). No core file is created but I can do the gdb
> backtrace and disassemble.

Presumably you have to 'ulimit -c unlimited' (if you run sh) in order to
get the core. But running under debugger is as good and the only way to
do that I'm about to suggest...

> You've correctly guessed the failing instruction :) but not sure why
> it's happening.
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> _vpaes_decrypt_core () at vpaes-x86.s:221
> (gdb) disassemble
> Dump of assembler code for function _vpaes_decrypt_core:
>    0xb7e36310 <+0>:     mov    0xf0(%edx),%eax
>    ...
>    0xb7e363af <+159>:  sub    $0x1,%eax
>    ...
> => 0xb7e3644d <+317>:        movdqu (%edx),%xmm0
>    0xb7e36451 <+321>: jne    0xb7e36370 <_vpaes_decrypt_core+96>
>    ...
> End of assembler dump.
> (gdb) info reg
> eax            0x277a77b5  662337461
> ...
> edx            0x80090ff8   -2146889736

As you can see 'eax' is crazy, 'edx' lies on page boundary and next page
ought to be unaccessible causing SEGV. Now under gdb. First see if it
fails upon first call. I.e. set breakpoint to _vpaes_decrypt_core, 'b
_vpaes_decrypt_core', start program, when it hits the breakpoint, write
down value in 'edx' register and issue 'continue'. Does it SEGV or stops
at break point again? If latter, count 'continue's writing down values
in 'edx' register. Is it same 'edx'? Best would be if it's same 'edx'
and it's not first call... Once you know which invocation fails, restart
program with same breakpoint, at first invocation check 'edx' and set
watch point to 0xf0(%edx), 'watch *((int *)(<value-in-edx>+240)),
'continue'. Eventually it should break at watch point. 'where'?

If already first call to _vpaes_decrypt_core SEGVs, then you would have
to set breakpoint to vpaes_set_decrypt_key, find out pointer to key
schedule, set watchpoint as above and see where it breaks at watchpoint.
 In order to find pointer to key schedule, issue 'stepi' 9 times after
it breaks at vpaes_set_decrypt_key and examine 'edx'. Naturally
vpaes_set_decrypt_key will hit the watch point, you should 'continue' to
find out who *else* is modifying it. Also double-check that it's same
value in 'edx' about entry to _vpaes_decrypt_core. Do you get the drift?

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