On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 08:25:15PM +0300, Timo Teras wrote:

> > The algorithm should be improved to never delete links which are
> > subsequently recreated.
> I almost answered "it's fixed". But it's not. IIRC, the version had it
> fixed, but it did not handle hash collisions nicely. This certainly is
> possibly to do, but needs some extra care when there's collisions and
> the entries need renaming instead of deletion.
> The time window is certainly a lot less in C-version, but it still
> exists. I'll look into fixing this too.

The collision case is tricky when a colliding trust-anchor is
deleted whose index suffix is not the largest.  I'd be tempted to
symlink it to the remaining colliding certificate with the highest


        X.0  ->  retired CA
        X.1  ->  retained CA


        X.0 -> retained CA
        X.1 -> retained CA

And leave it that way for some time.  On each run, if the highest
numbered index is duplicated by a lower-numbered index whose lstat(2)
age is sufficiently high (5 minutes or more?), that index can be
deleted (garbage collection).  That might create a situation in
which we have:

        X.0 -> CA1
        X.1 -> CA1
        X.2 -> CA2
        (X.3 -> CA1 deleted)

In that case, update all but the first link to any fixed target to
point to the highest retained index.

        X.1 -> CA2.

Leaving the invariant condition that at the end of each run at most
the last CA is duplicated.  In steady-state this eliminates redundant
links, but avoids exposing verifiers to race conditions.

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