> You're doing "HTML-entity" decoding here. URL decoding uses only the
> "%xx" stuff. See RFC3986.
> +             else if (*p != '%')
> +                     *out++ = *p;

Yes, I was treating it as an HTML form, not just a strict URI encoding.

> +             /* URL decode? Really shouldn't be needed. */
> +             if (strchr(p, '+') != NULL && strchr(p, '%') != NULL)
> +                 p = urldecode(p);

The comment was misleading and the second test isn't needed (and the && was 
wrong). So:
                /* URL decode? Might not be needed, so check first. */
                if (strchr(p, '%') != NULL)
                    p = urldecode(p);

Thanks again.

So many bugs in such a small piece of code.
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