Resend this time including for the noise on

On 27/11/14 02:54, Praveen Kariyanahalli via RT wrote:
>> The purpose of DTLSv1_listen is to listen for incoming datagrams from
>> anyone. If it receives a ClientHello without a cookie it immediately
>> responds with a HelloVerifyRequest containing a cookie. The client is
>> expected to respond with a second ClientHello containing the cookie. The
>> idea is that this is a DoS protection mechanism.
>> If DTLSv1_listen receives a ClientHello *with* a cookie then it will
>> return with a positive result. The server is then expected to continue
>> the handshake with a call to SSL_accept. This is often done in a
>> separate thread just for that SSL_accept call.
>> So something like this:
>> while(1)
>> {
>>     ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
>>     while(DTLSv1_listen(ssl, &client_addr) <= 0);
>>     /* client_addr will contain ip address of the client */
>>     Create_a_thread(ssl);
>> }
>> In new thread:
>> SSL_accept(ssl);
> [praveen]
> Yes we do use the DTLS_listen in the same way, only difference being we are
> not doing SSL_accept in a new thread. *Note we are doing it in NON blocking
> fashion. *The main DTLSv1_listen responds with HelloVerify. When the next
> client hello comes back in, the DTLSv1_listen returns a positive result and
> then, we create a new socket and pass on the ssl context to this socket 
> (*Note:
> it is a connected socket, meaning more specific socket*).  We create a new
> event corresponding to this socket and call the SSL_do_handshake on this
> socket. Then we create a new fd less specific for the listening socket
> (server socket).

I don't quite understand what you are saying here: "we do use the
DTLS_listen in the same way". Are you saying you handle the initial
"listen" part of the handshake with DTLSv1_listen and then call
SSL_accept on the connected socket? Because this suggests you are
calling DTLSv1_listen a second time (i.e. on a handshake that has
already completed the initial ClientHello/HelloVerify/ClientHello exchange):
==621==    by 0x595C555: SSL_accept (ssl_lib.c:940)

==621==    by 0x59539F7: dtls1_listen (d1_lib.c:491)

==621==    by 0x59533BF: dtls1_ctrl (d1_lib.c:267)

==621==    by 0x595CAF2: SSL_ctrl (ssl_lib.c:1106)

==621==    by 0x416229: server_ssl_event_cb (server.c:3823)

Either that or something has gone very wrong.


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