"Dr. Stephen Henson" <st...@openssl.org> wrote:
 |On Thu, Dec 11, 2014, Steffen Nurpmeso via RT wrote:
 |> are hard (not only to parse) for users but there is a lot of
 |> information for good in very few bytes; sad is
 |>   Received SIGPIPE during IMAP operation
 |>   IMAP write error: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
 |OpenSSL itself should never generate that error through (for example)
 |ERR_print_errors(): if anyone can do that I'd like details and it will be
 |fixed. If ERR_get_error() returns zero it indicates there is no error in

Ok.  I really have a lot of work to do with my thing...

 |the error queue if an application doesn't check for that value
 |and attempts to interpret it as an error code you get the result above...

Sigh.  And then these old codebases that jump around like grazy
from the middle of nowhere.  Amazing how stable all that is with
all the, also thread-safe, third party libaries linked into it,
just like OpenSSL.  But that is not your problem, of course.
Thank you.


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