On Fri 2015-01-23 06:19:14 -0500, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:

> And i think we are all looking forward to see what the future
> brings.  (Myself even starves for documentation [coverage]
> improvements.)

fwiw, OpenSSL documentation is pretty easy to read and to edit.  If you
notice that things are missing, you can edit the docs, and submit
patches either on this mailing list, on the rt bugtracker at
https://rt.openssl.org/, or as a pull request via github:


the main documentation is in the doc/ directory, either under
doc/crypto/ (for libcrypto documentation) or doc/ssl/ (for libssl
documentation).  It is in pod format, which is pretty easy to read and
get the hang of if you've used other markup languages.

If you have a proposed change but you aren't sure that you've got the
syntax right, go ahead and post the change anyway (in any of the three
forums i mentioned above) and indicate that you'd like an extra
double-check on the syntax.

Contributions to improve documentation are important contributions, and
it's a great way to give back to the project.

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