I have encountered a problem with EAP-FAST PACs when switching our 
implementation of OpenSSL from a context that supports TLSv1.0 only to a 
context that supports negotiation to the highest available TLS version.

For EAP-FAST the PAC opaque is loaded into the SSL tlsext_session_ticket using 
the SSL_set_session_ticket_ext method during initialization of the SSL 

When the SSL context is set using TLSV1_client_method (TLS v1.0), the 
ssl3_client_hello method is invoked for the client hello message which calls 
ssl_get_new_session if SSL session is NULL.  The ssl3_client_hello method 
eventually calls ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext which will initialize the SSL 
session tlsext_tick structure as long as the SSL structure contains a session 
that is not NULL.

When the SSL context is set using SSLv23_client_method, the ssl23_client_hello 
method is invoked for the client hello message which does not call 
ssl_get_new_session (the call is commented out) before the 
ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext is called.  In this scenario the SSL session is 
NULL, so when ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext is called it does not initialize the 
SSL session tlsext_tick structure.  This results in the EAP-FAST PAC not being 
loaded into the TLS session ticket extension when using the methods that 
support negotiation of the highest available SSL/TLS version.

In order for TLS session ticket extension to work with the 
SSLv23_client_method's it seems that the ssl23_client_hello method should add a 
new session object to the SSL connection when there is none, similar to what is 
done in the ssl3_client_hello method.

Ian McFadries
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