On Thu, 2016-09-08 at 13:44 +0000, Salz, Rich wrote:
> I would suggest the LAMPS WG (https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lamps/c
> harter/), which is the closest thing to PKIX these days, and perhaps
> cross-post to the SAAG mailing list the general catch-all for
> security area https://trac.tools.ietf.org/area/sec/trac/wiki.

I sent this to both lists; thanks again.

It doesn't seem to have made it to either list yet, but hopefully it
will shortly.

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(I hope the cross-post is acceptable; apologies if not.)

Various applications will optionally make use of X.509 certificates for
client authentication.

Those certificates, and the associated private keys, may be found in
files on the file system, in PKCS#11 tokens, or in another
OS-specific form of certificate database.

In my opinion, it would be nice to have some consistency between
applications. If a user has a certificate in a certain form, it would
be nice for that to Just Work™ across all well-behaved applications.

In practice, nothing could be further from the truth.

Applications *all* suck, and various certificates will spuriously fail
to work in one application but not another. Or work if the application
is build against crypto library $A but not when built against crypto
library $B. Or for objects in PKCS#11 each application might require a
*different* identifier string to locate the same object. If they
support PKCS#11 at all.

I'd like to fix that. I would like to achieve a consensus that a "well-
behaved application" SHOULD accept certificates and keys in various
(TBD) file formats and also accept PKCS#11 URIs according to RFC7512.

I have slowly been working on this. I have encouraged the Fedora
distribution of Linux to amend their packaging guidelines to state that
software packaged for Fedora SHOULD accept a PKCS#11 URI wherever it
would accept a filename. And that software SHOULD load the PKCS#11
tokens which are indicated by the system configuration.

We have already fixed various applications to comply with these
requirements, and I even mentored a Google Summer of Code project which
added RFC7512 support to NSS².

I believe the Fedora packaging guidelines have been a success, and I
would like to expand the scope. There's no *reason* this should be
Fedora-specific, or even specific to Linux or POSIX operating systems.
So I'm looking for a forum in which to reach a consensus on what should
be accepted, and to publish those guidelines. I'd be very interested in
hearing suggestions.

Simultaneously, I'm also looking at expanding the technical scope.
For my own project, the OpenConnect VPN client, I have started to
collect a torture test suite³ of RSA, DSA and EC keys in various
PKCS#1, PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 forms — both unencrypted, and encrypted with
various algorithms. I have yet to embark of the joy of files with non-
ASCII passphrases, especially in non-UTF8 locales — but I have a bottle
of vodka ready to help me do so.

My test suite also includes PKCS#11 tests including private keys where
the token doesn't expose the public component (which made OpenSSL crash
until yesterday, yay!) and certificates with the CKA_PRIVATE attribute
set, so some software will fail to *find* them.

I am thinking of splitting my torture test out from OpenConnect itself,
and making it available as a project in its own right.

I can, of course, lobby to expand the Fedora guidelines to state that
all software packaged for Fedora SHOULD pass the torture test suite,
but I think it makes sense to aim for a wider consensus than that.

Opinions welcome... does it make sense to attempt to publish an
informational RFC outlining such "expectations"? Or should it take some
other form? Or should I just not bother, and continue to push it from
the Fedora angle, since it's getting into a lot of upstream software

I also expect some heckling at my specific test cases — do we *really*
expect everyone to support DSA keys still? And PEM files encrypted the
old OpenSSL way? And PKCS#12 files encrypted with MD5-DES?

(I can accept 'no' answers to the latter two only if expressed in a
form which lets me file bugs against ancient "enterprise" software to
stop *creating* them that way...)


¹ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:SSLCertificateHandling
² https://bugzil.la/1162897

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