Hi, openssl-users, Bill ...

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Bill Klein wrote:

> Does anybody know where I can find the OpenSSL version
> history. For example, if I wanted to know what has changed
> between 0.9.5 and 0.9.5a where would I look. Can't seem to
> find it on the site but I'm sure it's buried under there
> somewhere. :)

i did not see any reply to the question, but i was interested in an answer
as well.  did anybody answer Bill directly, i.e. by skipping the mailing
list?  or was there no answer at all?

please, consider this question anew (or simply forward me an already
given answer which i somehow missed).  Bill is not the only one interested
in an answer.

thank you in advance :-)
   ____    ________
  /___/   /___/___  http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~alfebtcd, Alfe @ TubMud
 /___/___/___/___   Alexander Fetke,  Bruno-Taut-Ring 5b,  12359 Berlin
/   /___/   /___    +49-30-60109906,  [EMAIL PROTECTED], +49-30-44340358

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