Hi "M",

Here's a test program which negotiates an SSL connection and sends
data in a single process (no threads, all async IO).  

I've also included a patch for Net-SSLeay-1.06.  I had to add a few
macros to Net::SSLeay to support the async error returns.  I also
fixed the makefile to detect openssl.exe under Windows.

Hope it helps.


> Subject: non-blocking example for Net::SSLeay
> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 17:59:46 -0700 (PDT)
> I'm trying to write a tiny SSL webserver.  It would really
> help to have an example of how to set up and use non-blocking
> SSL calls with a select statement or similar.  The problem
> here is implementing CGI: the CGI script wants normal I/O
> through normal file descriptiors, and I see that it's my
> job to do SSL_read and copy the result into that file
> descriptor, and copy output from the CGI script into SSL_write.
> I need to select() on the CGI processes output pipe, and the
> SSL input pipe, and service requests as they come in.
> I'm writing this in perl, using Net::SSLeay.  I've patched
> the echo example code into my tiny webserver, so if I'm
> doing the SSL_reads and SSL_writes in the main process, it works,
> but of course, the cgi part fails miserably.
> Does the underlying BIO interface mean if I do a fcntl
> O_NONBLOCK on the NS (network socket) that SSL will somehow
> figure that out?   I don't see a BIO_set sort of thing
> to set nonblocking behavior for the BIO or SSL.   The
> docs are a bit sparse, here.
> Maybe a new call: SSL_select($ssl,$readfds,$writefds,$exceptfds,$timeout)
> what it might do internally is do a select on the ssl network
> socket read and the rest of the $readfs, but loop around and
> try again if the network socket read didn't complete a pending
> SSL_read?  Can  SSL writes not be similarly monitored,
> they can just be set as nonblocking?

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use lib '../lib';
use Socket;
use QV::OS;
use Net::SSLeay qw(1.07 die_now die_if_ssl_error);

use strict;

sub ssl_ctx {
    my($io) = @_;
    my($ctx, $ssl);

    $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or die_now("Failed to create SSL_CTX $!");
    Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($ctx, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL)
        and die_if_ssl_error("CTX_set_options");
    $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("Failed to create SSL $!");
    Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno($io))
        and die_if_ssl_error("set_fd");
    return $ssl;

sub ssl_err_select {
    my($ret, $ssl, $io, $sel_read, $sel_write) = @_;
    my($fileno) = fileno($io);

    vec($$sel_read, $fileno, 1) = 0;
    vec($$sel_write, $fileno, 1) = 0;

    if( $ret < 0 ) {
        $i = Net::SSLeay::get_error($ssl, $ret);
        if( $i == &Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_READ ) {

            # debug
            print("ERROR_WANT_READ: fileno=" . fileno($io) . "\n");

            vec($$sel_read, $fileno, 1) = 1;
            $ret = undef;
        elsif( $i == &Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_WRITE ) {

            # debug
            print("ERROR_WANT_WRITE: fileno=" . fileno($io) . "\n");

            vec($$sel_write, $fileno, 1) = 1;
            $ret = undef;
    return $ret;

my($buf, $off);

$off = 0;
if( @ARGV || ! -t STDIN ) {
    local($/) = undef;
    $buf = <>;
else {
    $buf = "Hello from Alice";

my($ssl_A, $connect_A, 
   $ssl_B, $accept_B,
   $rfds, $wfds, $sel_read, $sel_write,
   $s, $i, $x);

($a, $b) = QV::OS->socket_pair();
select($a); $|=1; 
select($b); $|=1; 

QV::OS->io_nonblock($a, 1);
QV::OS->io_nonblock($b, 1);

# debug
print("fileno(A)=", fileno($a), "\n");
print("fileno(B)=", fileno($b), "\n");

$ssl_A = ssl_ctx($a);
Net::SSLeay::use_RSAPrivateKey_file($ssl_A, 'b-rsa.pem',
die_if_ssl_error("private key");
Net::SSLeay::use_certificate_file($ssl_A, 'b-cert.pem',

$ssl_B = ssl_ctx($b);
Net::SSLeay::use_RSAPrivateKey_file($ssl_B, 'b-rsa.pem',
die_if_ssl_error("private key");
Net::SSLeay::use_certificate_file($ssl_B, 'b-cert.pem',

$accept_B = $connect_A = undef;
$rfds = $wfds = '';
vec($rfds, fileno($a), 1) = 1;
vec($rfds, fileno($b), 1) = 1;
$sel_read = $sel_write = '';

while(1) {
    if( vec($rfds, fileno($a), 1)
        || vec($wfds, fileno($a), 1) 
        ) {
        if( !$connect_A ) {
            $i = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl_A);
            $i = ssl_err_select($i, $ssl_A, $a, \$sel_read, \$sel_write);
            if( !defined($i) ) {
                # no error, just continue
                print("connect(A), continuing...\n");
            elsif( $i > 0 ) {
                $connect_A = 1; 
                print("connect(A)=$i: cipher=`" 
                      . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl_A) 
                      . "'\n");
                vec($sel_write, fileno($a), 1) = 1;
            else {
                # closed, or some other error
                Net::SSLeay::die_now("accept(B): ret=$i");
        else {
            $i = Net::SSLeay::write_partial($ssl_A, $off, length($buf)-$off, 
            $i = ssl_err_select($i, $ssl_A, $a, \$sel_read, \$sel_write);
            if( !defined($i) ) {
                # no error, just continue
                print("write(A): continuing...\n");
            elsif( $i > 0 ) {
                $off += $i;
                if( $off >= length($buf) ) {
                    shutdown($a, 1);
                else {
                    vec($sel_write, fileno($a), 1) = 1;
            else {
                # closed, or some other error
                Net::SSLeay::die_now("write(A): ret=$i");

    if( vec($rfds, fileno($b), 1) 
        || vec($wfds, fileno($b), 1) 
        ) {
        if( !$accept_B ) {
            $i = Net::SSLeay::accept($ssl_B);
            $i = ssl_err_select($i, $ssl_B, $b, \$sel_read, \$sel_write);
            if( !defined($i) ) {
                # no error, just continue
                print("accept(B) continuing...\n");
            elsif( $i > 0 ) {
                $accept_B = $i; 
                print("accept(B)=$i: cipher=`" 
                      . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl_B) 
                      . "'\n");
                vec($sel_read, fileno($b), 1) = 1;
            else {
                # closed, or some other error
                Net::SSLeay::die_now("accept(B): ret=$i");
        else {
            $i = Net::SSLeay::ssl_read($ssl_B, $s, 4096);
            $i = ssl_err_select($i, $ssl_B, $b, \$sel_read, \$sel_write);
            if( !defined($i) ) {
                # no error, just continue
                print("read(B) continuing...\n");
            elsif( $i > 0 ) {
                vec($sel_read, fileno($b), 1) = 1;
            else {
                # closed, or some other error
                Net::SSLeay::die_now("read(B): ret=$i");
    $rfds = $sel_read;
    $wfds = $sel_write;

    # debug
    #my(@l, $r, $w);
    #@l = (fileno($a), fileno($b));
    #$r = "[" . join(",", (grep { vec($rfds, $_, 1); } @l)) . "]";
    #$w = "[" . join(",", (grep { vec($wfds, $_, 1); } @l)) . "]";
    #print("before select(rfds=$r, wfds=$w)\n");

    select($rfds, $wfds, undef, undef);
    # debug
    #$r = "[" . join(",", (grep { vec($rfds, $_, 1); } @l)) . "]";
    #$w = "[" . join(",", (grep { vec($wfds, $_, 1); } @l)) . "]";
    #print("after select(rfds=$r, wfds=$w)\n");




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