On Fri, Apr 15, 2005, Edward Chan wrote:

> I have an app where reads and writes happen from different threads.  Now,
> ideally, one would envision that I just replace the reads/writes with
> SSL_read/SSL_write.  Now I know it is not as simple as that.

If you read and write the same stream in different threads that's a problem
as this isn't supported. Some people have reported success by using appropriate

> What exactly is the meaning of the SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/WRITE errors?

Irrespective of the call that returned that error it has the same meaning:
the underlying transport (socket) has indicated that data cannot be
currently read or written and that the call should be retried when that
is possible.

So if you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ you might typically select on the socket
until data can be read. If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE you do the same but
until data can be written: due to internal buffering you wont often see

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