Raymond Popowich wrote:

One thing that I'd like some clarification on. Once I get this working, shouldn't there be a way for me to say I only want certain client side certificates to be able to connect to this web site? Otherwise anyone with a client side cert can connect. I'm sure I'm missing an important piece of information here and I just need to be pointed in the right direction.

If a server supports or requires client auth, it sends a cert
request that includes what type of cert is required, and a list
of DN's of recognized certificate authorities.  If you do not
present a cert signed directly by one of these, or a certificate
chain that has a cert signed by one of these, the handshake will

See the spec:

SSL 3.0 Specification

5.6.4 Certificate request

   A non-anonymous server can optionally request a certificate from
   the client, if appropriate for the selected cipher suite.

     enum {
         rsa_sign(1), dss_sign(2), rsa_fixed_dh(3), dss_fixed_dh(4),
         rsa_ephemeral_dh(5), dss_ephemeral_dh(6), fortezza_kea(20),
     } ClientCertificateType;

     opaque DistinguishedName<1..2^16-1>;

     struct {
         ClientCertificateType certificate_types<1..2^8-1>;
         DistinguishedName certificate_authorities<3..2^16-1>;
     } CertificateRequest;

     certificate_types This field is a list of the types of
                       certificates requested, sorted in order of the
                       server's preference.
                       A list of the distinguished names of acceptable
                       certificate authorities.

   Note:          DistinguishedName is derived from [X509].

   Note:          It is a fatal handshake_failure alert for an
                  anonymous server to request client identification.
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