Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 02:27:18 -0500, "Hector Santos" 

ssluser> I have multiple applications using OPENSSL 0.9.7c and I'm finally 
ssluser> around to updating it.
ssluser> ssluser> Can I just use the new DLLs for 0.9.8a or do I need to
ssluser> recompile my applications?  I take it I will be fine with
ssluser> 0.9.7i dlls.

The 0.9.8 are likely to be binary-incompatible with your modssl compiled for
0.9.7.  Stay with 0.9.7 until you update your module!  They must
stay in-sync.

It really depends on what your application uses the libraries for.
There are some fundamental changes in some parts of the libraries
between the 0.9.7 and the 0.9.8 series, so to be on the safe side, I'd
recommend you to recompile your applications for 0.9.8a.

Also keep in mind when building httpd that if you are compiling in with
php, perl, or openldap, they must all be binding to the same openssl binary.
If you load mod_php, mod_perl, and mod_authnz_ldap built against openldap
(ssl-enabled) you are loading these bindings on the fly, and if one has
been built against a different openssl, things will come crashing down
around you (if they load at all.)

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