Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
But did you factor the fact that an SSL renegotiation
or handshake can happen anytime during the

Thats not strictly true, the receiving end does have a tiny bit of control over when to process it. From recent discussion in this list my understanding in was improved on this matter.

In order for a renegotiation to take place, the receiving side must call a receive processing function (SSL_read() / SSL_peek()) to allow the new inbound data to be processed to be able to see the renegotiate request. If you never call SSL_read()/SSL_peek() and aren't currently processing a renegotiation request and don't instigate a renegotiation request from your side. Then SSL_write() will never return WANT_READ.

This is because you don't allow the SSL library to process inbound data in order to receive and decode the renegotiation request packet sent from the other end.

While in this state the renegotiation stays outstanding at the remote end and the request sits in the kernel buffer/lower BIO layer and the SSL library itself wont know about it.

This situation is especially important to allow pipelined data applications to work effectively over SSL. While you are in a bulk writing phase you may not interested in processing any new inbound data at this time. When you finish your bulk writing phase you go back to processing inbound data. It is at that time you see and process reneg request and deal with it.

If you were forced to always receive and process all inbound data at all times then you'd have to have an infinitely large memory buffer to temporarily store data you couldn't make use of right away (because you were too busy writing data in the bulk writing phase of the operation).

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