> I have a doubt about how to use the HMAC() function. I developed this 
code in C 
> language: (abridged)
> ...
> unsigned char *auth = NULL;
> unsigned char *session_auth_key;
> unsigned char *auth_tag; 
> .
> .
> auth = HMAC(EVP_sha1(), session_auth_key, auth_key_length, length,
>                          auth_tag, auth_tag_length);
> .
> .
> Is the first argument in HMAC correct?
> When i run my program with GDB (GNU Project Debugger ) i get the string 
> "EVP_DigestFinal_ex () from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8" as 
> I think that the problem deals with the HMAC function.
> I use also the AES_ctr128_encrypt in my program. Can it have an 

Code like this:

   HMAC(EVP_md5(), pass, strlen(pass),
         (u_char *) ctx->chal, strlen(ctx->chal), buff, &len); 

works (pass and chal are normal strings)
As a result you will get hmac (here of MD5 size = 16bytes) but as binary
You may convert this buffer to hex with code:

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        sprintf(&(digest[i * 2]), "%02x", buff[i]);
digest[2 * len] = 0; 

and use for example for ascii compare or so.
(from performance point of view sprintf() should be replaced
with simple function which covert byte to hex form).

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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