David Schwartz wrote:

You have to have absolute trust in any entity that will generate or store your 
private key. Thus you can trust any information in it -- anyone who could put 
in bogus information could give away your key to strangers. (By absolute trust, 
I mean with respect to anything you would use that private key for.)

Pick a keypair, any keypair.  It has existed in a mathematical sense
since mathematics has existed, or longer, if your a mathematical
idealist.  What do you have in mind?  I give them all a creation date of 0.

NotValidBefore and NotValidAfter are perfectly fine concepts that do not
violate the laws of modularity, and are where they belong.  These come
from the signing authorities policy, which also may preclude key reuse
after expiry (you can't sign with the private key after expiration, but
verification of any messages signed in the validity window succeeds).
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