
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/11/2008 12:20:12 PM:

> Thanks for the response. this was useful.
> Now I got the readable message as : *** error:14090086:SSL 
> routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
> I have checked this & server certificate is expired. As this is an 
internal server for 
> us, so as of now i want to ignore this error & want to communicate with 
the server. Is 
> there any way to bypass this error & still have the normal https 
communication with the 
> server ? I know that this is not the proper way to do the https, but for 
the time i want
> to test my client & server people are working of the certificate, so 
that will be sorted
> out in meantime. 
Try something like:
SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); 

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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