On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:02 PM, The Doctor <doc...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca> wrote:
> This is happening again

Holy (beep)!

mmmm... would you do me a favor, please? (and maybe make some others
happy in the process as well)

I love an essay, but let's just say that the combination of riding the
bleeding edge of development using snapshots, combined with the
glaring ability to feed an entire make && make test console output,
unfiltered for optimum appreciation, produces a rather, ah,
unprofesssional, impression.

To the point: thank you very much for reporting failures; even more
thanks when you can strip away obvious (successful?) parts. E.g. all
those lucky compiler invocations.

Here's how one might go about, reducing cruft in feedback: here's your
report, reduced to maybe-relevant bits -- and I didn't even do this
thoroughly; this is the result of a rush job to kill the most obvious
clutter only:

> Script started on Tue Mar 10 12:06:29 2009
> [r...@ns1 /usr/source/openssl-0.9.8-stable-SNAP-20090310]# cat 
> /usr/local/bin/co
> nfigopenssl
> ./Configure threads shared experimental-store  enable-capieng enable-cms 
> enable-montasm enable-krb5 enable-tlsext enable-seed  enable-fips fipsdso 
> enable-camellia enable-rfc3779 enable-gmp enable-mdc2 enable-rc5 zlib-dynamic 
> --prefix=/usr/ --openssldir=/usr/ BSD-x86-elf "-g -O3 -Wall "; make depend
> [r...@ns1 /usr/source/openssl-0.9.8-stable-SNAP-20090310]# make && make test
[...] && make -e PLATFORM='BSD-x86-elf' PROCESSOR=''  CC='gcc'
-Wall  -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIOS -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall
-fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS
-DRMD160_ASM -DAES_ASM -c'                     AR='ar  r'
PERL='/usr/bin/perl5' RANLIB='/usr/bin/ranlib'       SDIRS='objects
md2 md4 md5 sha mdc2 hmac ripemd  des aes rc2 rc4 rc5 idea bf cast
camellia seed  bn ec rsa dsa ecdsa dh ecdh dso engine  buffer bio
stack lhash rand err  evp asn1 pem x509 x509v3 conf txt_db pkcs7
pkcs12 comp ocsp ui krb5  store cms pqueue' LIBRPATH='/usr/lib'
INSTALL_PREFIX=''               INSTALLTOP='/usr' OPENSSLDIR='/usr'
 MAKEDEPEND='$${TOP}/util/domd $${TOP} -MD gcc'
MAKEDEPPROG='gcc'                       SHARED_LDFLAGS=''
SHARED_LIBS='libfips.so.0.9.8 libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.0.9.8'
SHLIB_EXT='.so.0.9.8' SHLIB_TARGET='bsd-shared'         PEX_LIBS=''
EX_LIBS=''  CPUID_OBJ='x86cpuid-elf.o'
BN_ASM='bn86-elf.o co86-elf.o mo86-elf.o' DES_ENC='dx86-elf.o
yx86-elf.o'       AES_ASM_OBJ='ax86-elf.o'
BF_ENC='bx86-elf.o' CAST_ENC='c_enc.o'  RC4_ENC='rx86-elf.o
rc4_skey.o' RC5_ENC='r586-elf.o'    SHA1_ASM_OBJ='sx86-elf.o
s512sse2-elf.o'                        MD5_ASM_OBJ='mx86-elf.o'
                RMD160_ASM_OBJ='rm86-elf.o'             FIPSLIBDIR=''
FIPSCANISTERINTERNAL='y'        FIPS_EX_OBJ='../crypto/aes/aes_cfb.o
> making all in crypto...
> ( echo "#ifndef MK1MF_BUILD";  echo '  /* auto-generated by crypto/Makefile 
> for crypto/cversion.c */';  echo '  #define CFLAGS "gcc -fPIC -DOPENSSL_PIC 
> -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 
> #define PLATFORM "BSD-x86-elf"';  echo "  #define DATE \"`LC_ALL=C LC_TIME=C 
> date`\"";  echo '#endif' ) >buildinf.h
> making all in crypto/objects...
> testing...
Testing SHA-384 ... passed.

if [ -n "libfips" ]; then  ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ./fips_shatest <
SHAmix.r | diff -w SHAmix.x - ;  fi



< [L = 64]
< Len = 16
< Msg = 98a1
< MD = 
< Len = 104
< Msg = 35a37a46df4ccbadd815942249
< MD = 
< Len = 352
< Msg = 
< MD = 
< Len = 1016
< Msg = 
< MD = 
... and so on, and so on...
... same alarming output for:
< [L = 48]
< [L = 32]
< [L = 28]
< [L = 20]
... after which 'make test' aborts with error 1.

See how this looks much more palatable?

Extra kudos, by the way, when you've diff-compared your last working
snapshot sourcetree and the this one or further attempts at helping to
resolve this. Of course, there's always the alternative of hiring one
of the members of the core development team (or myself) as I'm sure
you'll find the tariffs very reasonable.
Always glad to help out a fellow software physician.

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Ger Hobbelt

web:    http://www.hobbelt.com/
mail:   g...@hobbelt.com
mobile: +31-6-11 120 978
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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