Hi all!



When I use the x509 certification to connection two network, For I have set
the password for private key, So I add the line


: RSA /etc/ipsec.d/private/right.key "passwd"  to /etc/ipsec.secrets  file.


After that , I restart ipsec service , and checked the ipsec status by
command ipsec verify.  Then:


Checking your system to see if IPsec got installed and started correctly:

Version check and ipsec on-path                                    [OK]

Linux Openswan U2.6.20/K2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 (netkey)

Checking for IPsec support in kernel                                    [OK]

NETKEY detected, testing for disabled ICMP send_redirects

NETKEY detected, testing for disabled ICMP accept_redirects

Checking for RSA private key (/etc/ipsec.secrets)

Checking that pluto is running                                       [OK]

Two or more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding

Checking NAT and MASQUERADEing                              

Checking for 'ip' command                                       [OK]

Checking for 'iptables' command                                   [OK]


Is there any question in my openswan or it's normal.


Best regards!





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