Hi All!

I've have some doubts regarding SSL_write in non blocking mode..

1. if SSL_write returned SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE,  it is mentioned that the
call has to be repeated with the same arguments.
    Does this means the same buffer to be used again?? or the data
passed in the initial SSL_write call 
    will be buffered by the SSL layer?

2.  In case of SSL_write returning SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ due to
re-negotiation, What are the steps to be followed?
     Is there any wait needed before the repeated SSL_write call? 
     Does the application need to take care of the re-negotiation?
     Does the application need to wait for the re-negotiation to
complete before repeating the SSL_write?

Thanks in advance
Balaji Kamal Kannadassan
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
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