I looked through the archives and didn't find a similar message.

Issue: ssl_connect() now fails with error to same server when
changing to 0.9.8j (or 0.9.8k) from any previous version.

Server: Tomcast v6018, using self-signed, also tried with Versign-signed

Fail message test message decoded to ascii: "EOF was observed that
violates the protocol. The client probably provided invalid
authentication information."

NOTE: we are using gSoap v2.7.6c and have asked them. However, we tracked
the issue down to ssl_connect() just behaving differently and thought we'd
ask here also.

Questions/Help: what changed in 0.9.8j that would cause this?  Can't find
any real mentioned.  Any clues to get around this problem?

Thanks for any help,
Mark Laubach

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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