<scratches head>

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Balaji Kannadassan <balaj...@nortel.com> wrote:
> Hi All!
>    When I built and openssl with -g first I noticed that it needed another
> additional library libefence. Second when a malloc of size zero is done it
> crashes. Hence planning to ignore -g option. So now my question is what
> would the -g plays in the build ?. Since I have seen few users saying they
> got only from half way on stack trace and could see the complete path debug
> image. I am planning to login the stack function calls when CRYPTO_free is
> called inside libcrypto. Since we are hitting the double free crash want to
> find the caller. Any help on this would be great.
> Thanks in advance for your help
> Balaji Kamal Kannadassan


libefence needed? Well, it's probably useful in your case, but it
being mandatory is new to me.

... <grep> ...

ah... you're using the 'debug' target in Configure, eh?

well, that's not how you might want it done (at least, that one hasn't
worked here for ages; those are presets for when you know what you are
doing & have a specific system.)

So you want a lib with debugging included, no other changes? Here's a
way to get it, while still using the autodetect features in ./config
There may be easier ways to accomplish this, but this what I did when
constructing my own tiny shell scripts which invoke ./Configure when I
need to rerun the config/setup code (done every time after I update
from CVS)

First, you use the ./config script to help autodetect what your
machine is to OpenSSL. Instead of running the config through, you want
the ./Configure invocation here, so you add '-t' to the ./config

./config -t

which just prints the Configure script invocation line (it's a perl script).

Over here, the output is:

Operating system: x86_64-whatever-linux2
Configuring for linux-x86_64
/usr/bin/perl ./Configure linux-x86_64 --prefix=./inst zlib
experimental-jpake enable-mdc2 enable-rfc3779 enable-rc5
experimental-store no-asm

The next thing is track down that system (linux-x86_64) in the
Configure script %table definition. Then do like the OpenSSL
developers clearly did themselves: copy&paste that line and create
another target that way.
In my case it's the line
"linux-x86_64", "gcc:-m64 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -Wall
in Configure, which' copy&pasted debug version reads (after adding -g
(or -g3 for modern gcc) at the proper spot:
"linux-x86_64-debug",   "gcc:-g3 -m64 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -Wall

That last line what ADDED to Configure. Save, then invoke ./Configure
with any extras you want, specifying your freshly created debug
target, for example:

./Configure linux-x86_64

or in my personal case it often reads:

 ./Configure linux-x86_64-debug --prefix=./inst zlib
experimental-jpake enable-mdc2 enable-rfc3779 enable-rc5
experimental-store no-asm

because I want those extra features oftentimes.

No efence or other stuff added to the build requirements; just my
usual target, but now with -g3 added.

Warning: make sure you check the report at the top of the ./Configure
output to ensure your CC/CFLAGS/etc. look like you want them to.
Just as an example what might be, here's <snip> from my local dev box:
Configuring for linux-x86_64-debug
    no-asm          [option]   OPENSSL_NO_ASM
    no-gmp          [default]  OPENSSL_NO_GMP (skip dir)
    no-krb5         [krb5-flavor not specified] OPENSSL_NO_KRB5
    no-shared       [default]
    no-zlib-dynamic [default]
CC            =gcc
EX_LIBS       =-ldl -lz
CPUID_OBJ     =mem_clr.o
BN_ASM        =bn_asm.o
DES_ENC       =des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o
AES_ENC       =aes_core.o aes_cbc.o
BF_ENC        =bf_enc.o
CAST_ENC      =c_enc.o
RC4_ENC       =rc4_enc.o rc4_skey.o
RC5_ENC       =rc5_enc.o
CMLL_ENC=     =camellia.o cmll_misc.o cmll_cbc.o
RANLIB        =/usr/bin/ranlib
ARFLAGS       =
PERL          =/usr/bin/perl
DES_INT used
RC4_CHUNK is unsigned long
BF_PTR2 used

The alternative without editing Configure is './Configure
linux-x86_64:gcc -g3', but that is not-so-subtly /wrong/ on my box at
least, at it switches back to 32-bit build mode. Haven't taken the
time to find what I've been screwing up there; the Configure
edit-and-add-my-own-target-a-la-OpenSSL-devs works like a charm.

Do NOT use as-is, but review this and edit to make sure it is like the
./config / Configure invocation you regularly use yourselves. (I can
imagine you don't want the experimental* nor the no-asm in there, for

And by the way, which made me scratch my head: malloc(0) is an illegal
invocation of malloc anyhow and you should check for that (a LOT of
systems will coredump on you when you do that sort of thing); see the
ANSI spec, but also, for example:
http://bytes.com/groups/c/508471-malloc-0-a and the answer there by
Lew Pitcher.

Do you have any experienced C developers near? I didn't expect the
implicit wondering at the malloc(0) behaviour there - or I might have
misread your mail. Too little context over long distance, but this
makes me go hmmmmmmmmm if you get my drift ;-)

And whatever you do to config or Configure, always watch what make
does commandline-wise when invoking the compiler while building the
lib. (And most importantly: check the CC= and CFLAGS= report at the
top of the output when you run config or Configure: the -g / -g3
should sit in the CFLAGS there, as shown above in this email.

Oh, and last but not least a bit about Net courtesy / etiquette:
cross-posting is frowned upon. That is: posting to both users@ and
dev@ is cross-posting. Pick one, but not both.
Others may react a bit sharper and treat cross-posting as an implicit
request to be plonked. (google = education)

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Ger Hobbelt

web:    http://www.hobbelt.com/
mail:   g...@hobbelt.com
mobile: +31-6-11 120 978
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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