> Adam Grossman wrote:
>> One last questions, and i am done bugging you about this...
>> These are the steps i am taking:
>> SSL_set_fd(ssl_data->ssl_ssl, sock_fd);
>> sslbio=SSL_get_rbio(ssl_data->ssl_ssl);
>> internalBIO=BIO_new(BIO_s_bio());
>> BIO_set_write_buf_size(internalBIO, 1024);
>> BIO_make_bio_pair(sslbio,internalBIO);
>> size=read(sock_fd,buffer,128);  // returns as read 128
>> size=BIO_write(sslbio,buffer,size); // returns as written 128
>> SSL_accept(ssl_data->ssl_ssl);
>> and then the accept always fails.
>> i thought this was straight forward, but i am very wrong (or very
>> thick...)
> You two are talking about two very different things. Victor Duchovni is
> talking about separating the SSL engine from the socket, so you can put
> anything you want between the two. You are talking about "peeking" into
> the SSL data stream so you can decide whether to implement SSL or not.
> He's telling you the supported way to do what you want and you are trying
> to hack it in.
> What does the rest of your architecture look like? Is your application
> multi-threaded? Does it handle a larger number of SSL connections? Is it
> intended to be portable? Because if your answers are yes, yes, and yes,
> (or no, yes and yes) you are approaching this completely the wrong way and
> should follow Victor Duchovni's approach.
> DS
> ______________________________________________________________________
> OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
> User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
> Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

thanks for the patience with me.  i literally started 5 days ago learning
openssl while working on this project which has a very short timeline. 
the application is not multithreaded, has to handle a lot of connections
and does not need to be portable.  i was asked to take an existing server,
and have it do the SSL handling, instead of another backend process.  it
is a very specific architecture for a very specific purpose.

The problem is that the clients have been hacked to add some information
within the first packet sent over.  and i, unfortunately, can't change
that.  so i need to be able to read in the raw first 128 bits, get some
info out of that, and the have the SSL connection go just as normal, never
needing to intervene again.   off the top of my head (i do not access to
the code right now), it places a few bits of info where it claims the
first cipher is,but getting the cipher list does not show anything useful
(i think bits 40 and 41 for SSLv2 for instance)

everything i have written so far has worked perfectly, until i ran into
this snag.

thank you so, so, so much and if you any of you are in the philly area, i
owe you a beer :)
-=- adam

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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