Amit Ben Shahar wrote:
Does anyone know if a buffer passed to ssl_write (or any other method)
must remain valid (i.e not freed) for any period.
for example, if i have this code:

    // allocate buffer
    char* tmpBuff = (char*)malloc(1024);
    // .. some code to put data in buff
    // write buffer to ssl
    ssl_write(mSsl, buff, dataLength);
    // free buffer now
    free tmpBuff;

is this legal?
(considering that ssl_write did not return want_read/want_write)

Yes. The lifetime of the buffer "tmpBuff" is exactly that of the invocation of the ssl_write() call.

Internally libssl will copy the bytes from "tmpBuff" it can use/eat at that time into an internal buffer and those bytes eaten are given as the return value of ssl_write(). This maybe between 0 and dataLength.

You then have to manage and window your data for the next call you make to ssl_write() so those eaten last time are not given again next time. Much like the write() system call on Unix when the file-descriptor is a network socket.

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