ikuzar <razuk...@gmail.com> writes:


> my questions :
> 1) What does DER format means ?

Distinguished Encoding Rules.  It's an encoding for ASN.1.  See X.690.

> is it equivalent to a string format ?

It's a binary serialisation.  So it's a string in the sense that it
can be sent over protocols, saved in files, etc., but it's not a C
NUL-terminated string that you'd want to look at.

> [...]
> 2) is it possible to verify ( by hand ) certificate in string format ?

Not really.  With some effort you could verify some simple things like
its length.

> 3) what kind of data structure ( vector, etc..) is the best way to
> store certificate with string format ?

Anything which can store bytes and a length.  So vector<unsigned char>
or std::string would be fine.  I guess many programs which do networking
will have some suitable class (or convention for what to use) for a
sequence of bytes, so likely you'd use that.

> 4) is a bad idea to handle everywhere certificates in string format ?

Depends.  If you want to use OpenSSL's functions then you'll want an
X509.  If that's uncommon, then storing the encoded form might well make
more sense.
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