> ... Just put all the CA certificates into one file and remove the
> SSLCACertificatePath
> and just keep the
> SSLCACertificateFile

All of the certs are in one file... with the root cert being the first one in 
the file.
They all begin with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and end with -----END CERTIFICATE-----
How is removing the SSLCACertificatePath going to get OpenSSL to verify/trust 
the root cert?

SSLCACertificateFile conf/certs/DOD_EMAILCerts.crt
The full path would be C:\Apache\conf\certs

Running openssl version -d returns "OPENSSLDIR: c:/openssl-1.0.1/ssl".

Do I need to have DOD_EMAILCerts.crt in BOTH folders?

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