On Fri, Apr 27, 2012, jb-open...@wisemo.com wrote:

> This is not limited to 7-Zip, see also the post by Mr. Bergeron
> of IBM.
> I have looked closer at the tar.gz file (my download matches the
> checksums and digital signature from Dr. Henson), and the file
> is not valid according to the tar file format specifications that
> I have looked at.
> According to the basic tar specification, each file is prefixed by
> a 512 byte header with filename, size etc. and zero padded to a
> multiple of 512 bytes, and the last file is followed by at least
> 2x512 bytes of all-zero bytes to indicate end of file.  Additional
> details vary among tar format versions, but these three aspects
> are amongst the common features.
> But the tar file inside the gzip file "openssl-1.0.1b.tar.gz"
> lacks those last 1024 bytes of zeroes.  I think this must be a bug
> in whatever tool Dr. Henson used to create the file.  7-Zip 9.20,
> GNU tar 1.25 and BSD tar 2.8.3 all produce the correct format, but
> of those 3 only 7-Zip loudly complains about the missing
> end-of-file blocks.  Mr. Bergeron seems to be using a 4th
> implementation (maybe a derivative of the original UNIX tar, maybe
> a version for an IBM OS) which also complains.

Hmm never seen any error messages myself, using GNU tar 1.25.

The distribution tarballs are always created by doing:

make -f Makefile.org dist

from any source tree. As you can see from the files this makes use of "tar"
and "tardy". The tar version I used was GNU tar 1.25 and tardy version
1.20.D001. If someone can sugest alternative versions or options that will
avoid this in future I'll incorporate them into the distrubution.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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