I have an unusual problem - I'm writing a "connection server" kind of 
application and to make a long story short, I have a number of pending outgoing 
ssl connections and I need to look at the certificate which each presents to 
determine how to handle the connection.

With that in mind I use the SSL_set_verify() to set a callback to examine the 
presented certificate i.e.

void SSL_set_verify(SSL *s, int mode,
                     int (*verify_callback)(int, X509_STORE_CTX *));

Unfortunately there is no opportunity to provide a user argument to match up a 
presented certificate with its corresponding pending connection - the callback 
presents only the preverify result and the context store which I can use to 
retrieve the certificate. 

(For the incoming facing connection I used 
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(..) for which 
SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(...) provides a user argument which works 

Any suggestions on how to get around this problem?

(Did I mention that I'm doing this in boost?  That shouldn't have any bearing 
on the solution though.)

Nou Dadoun

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