I'm building and running an application that uses OpenSSL on SUSE Linux.  I 
don't know a lot about linking in general, just very basic stuff, so my 
question might be better posed to a Linux forum, but it might be specific to 
OpenSSL.  Let me describe the scenario.
I have built installed OpenSSL 1.0.1c on one machine; built as a shared 
library(with "shared" option on ./config).  I build my application and run it 
on this machine, dynamically linking OpenSSL.  After some trial and error(to 
get the application to use the new OpenSSL instead of the the previous install 
of 0.9.8r), everything works fine, my application is using OpenSSL 1.0.1c. Now, 
let's say I want to run my application on another SUSE Linux machine.  However, 
this machine has 0.9.8r(or any 0.9.8 level) installed.  When I try to run the 
application, I get an error saying it can't find OpenSSL 1.0.0.  I know that 
there are symbolic links set up when installing OpenSSL, so libssl.so will be 
linked to libssl.so.1.0.0 after installing OpenSSL 1.0.1c. (Similar for 
libcrypto.so) But in the old branch, the link is set up with libssl.so pointing 
to libssl.so.0.9.8.  When I build my application, it seems to know that it's 
looking for libssl.so.1.0.0, instead of just the generic libssl.so.  I'm basing 
this on doing a readelf -d on my the .so file my make produces, and seeing the 
following line:  (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libssl.so.1.0.0]
On the machine I moved my application to(with the older OpenSSL), the link 
where OpenSSL exists shows libssl.so linked to libssl.so.0.9.8, obviously. I 
started messing around with trying to build 1.0.1c to "look like" 0.9.8 by 
changing the SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER in Makefile.org and /crypto/opensslv.h, but 
that started getting confusing and is probably beyond the scope of my knowledge 
at this point. I've done it before with, for example, going from 0.9.8i to 
0.9.8r and didn't have any problems.  I suppose because the symbolic links look 
the same. Has anyone had to do this before?  A point in the right direction 
would be appreciated.  Is this even possible to go between branches like that?  

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