> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org
[mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of Jason Goldberg
> Sent: July-29-12 9:43 AM
> To: <openssl-users@openssl.org>
> Subject: Re: client server management of client SSL certificates
Thanks Jason,

> There are Javascript libraries which range from generating key pairs to
creating x509 certificates.  So you could generate 
> a keypair in the browser, then generate a certificate signing request,
send the CSR to a remote API along with a challenge 
> response, and then get back a signed x509 certificate from your RA -- all
in the browser using XHR.
Can you point me to some of these?  Or at least give me the names of these
libraries so I can Google for them?  My efforts using Google have generated
much more noise than signal.  :-(  Perhaps the names of the libraries will
change that.

> However, you can't get anything out of the browser without a local
application.  You'd need some combination of the HTML5 
> FileWriter API and an application registered to a URL protocol which could
be triggered by the browser to read your certificates 
> and install them.  I make no comment on the security of that scheme, but
it definitely seems possible.

Something more to think about.

Thanks again.


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