>From: Mohammad khodaei [mailto:m_khod...@yahoo.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, 18 September, 2012 06:52

>Thanks for the response. The encryption is also done by me. 
>I have generated the cipher text as below: 

>           in = BIO_new_mem_buf(pchContent, iPriKeyLen);
>           if (!in) { //
>           p7 = PKCS7_encrypt(recips, in, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), flags);
>           if (!p7) { //
>           char* chEnc = new char[1000];
>           BIO* memorybio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
>           BIO* base64bio = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
>           BIO* outbio = BIO_push(base64bio, memorybio);
>           long ll = i2d_PKCS7_bio(outbio, p7);
>           BIO_flush(outbio);
>           BIO_set_flags(memorybio, BIO_FLAGS_MEM_RDONLY);
>           int iLength = BIO_get_mem_data(memorybio, &chEnc);

Asides: I'm pretty sure you don't actually need to set RDONLY 
to do get_mem_data, and maybe not even flush beforehand.
And BIO_get_mem_data overwrites the pointer you give it, 
so your new char[1000] is leaked.

>The encrypted value is generated like this: 


That is not DER, at least not plain DER; it's base64 *of* DER.

>And I feed chEnc to the decryption procedure to be decrypted. 
>Is it correct? Any idea if the encoding is incorrect.

To decode (and decrypt) that, you need to decode base64 first, 
*then* decode DER. If/since you have it in memory, basically do 
the reverse of your creation: BIO_new_mem_buf of the base64 data, 
BIO_push a base64BIO on the memBIO, and d2i from the result.

<snip previous>

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