
I sort of posted about this earlier, but I think this is  a more concise
question (as the previous replies were helpful for me to start debugging
the problem).

i have a server that is running a custom app that can accept a SSL
connection. I generate a cert on each server, that is signed by my own CA.
I tested whether this worked or not by using the openssl s_client and
s_server commands, and it actually worked to connect to the server using
those commands. I started the server with a PEM file that contained the
signed cert request,  as well as the private key for that cert request.
This allowed me to start the server with

openssl s_server -accept 443 -cert myfile.cert

and on the client side

openssl s_client -connect myserver:443 -CAfile my_server_cert.pem

This gave me a verify code of zero, so I thought I was good to go.

I installed my_server_cert.pem as a trusted authority in firefox, however,
it still prompts that it is an "Untrusted Connection" and has the button to
add security exception. When I click this button, I noticed that under
Certificate Status it says "Wrong Site" and "This iste attempts to identify
itself iwth invalid information"

I'd prefer my clients to not have this pop-up when they are connecting to
my servers. From the server  side, when I debug the app, I see I get the
"sslv3 alert bad certificate" error at first, and then the next
connection's are SSL_accepted() as the client requests cert status and
such, until i'm finally done adding the security exception, and my final
SSL_accept() finally gets a return of "1" which  I was hoping for.

Is this just a firefox bug or what? I have noticed too, that I am able to
launch my custom app, and use openssl s_client -connect to connect to that
same server, same certs, and it gives me verify code zero.

Thanks for any insight.

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