On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Tom Cocagne wrote:

Thanks for the quick reply Joe. I am definitely interested in seeing your
example, I've been unable to find many DTLS examples at all and certainly
none that use an alternative transport mechanism.

Also, have you taken into account the timer for dropped session
initialization messages? I'm guessing that needs to be manually polled and
re-sent but exactly how to do that didn't leap out at me from the API.

I've written an abstraction that provides datagram send and receive functionality with optional DTLS support. Since the application already understands that packets may be dropped arbitrarily, it is expected to either resend critical packets periodically or send a steady stream of new data in the hope that some of it will make it to its destination. In other words, the application promises to keep sending data and my abstraction promises that eventually some of that data will be delivered (assuming the network is at least partially functional).

With that in mind, my implementation uses every send event to check the status of the DTLS handshake. If it has completed successfully, then great, we do an SSL_write to our memory BIO and pass the ciphertext to whatever passes for our network layer. If it has not yet completed successfully, we simply discard the application's packet and then consult a timer to see how long it's been since we started the handshake. If it's been "too long" (based on the backoff scheme recommended in the DTLS spec), we create a new SSL instance and start over, resetting the timer.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it starts over from scratch even if some progress has been made in the handshake which can be salvaged with a resend. However, I haven't take the time to see if there's some way to ask OpenSSL to reset back to an earlier state due to a (presumed) lost packet or if it would be necessary to keep my own copy of the last handshake packet sent and resend it myself.

I hope that helps.
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