Yes, I did compile successfully openssl on WCE 5 / WM 6.

Check this page in openssl rt system : http://rt.openssl.org/index.html?q=2350
(user guest / password guest).
Particularly check the 2012 contribution.

Check also the full record of some discussion between me and Andy Polyakov here :

And also my own page http://delaage.pierre.free.fr for some explanation for the full WCE compilation process (with EVC 4.2).

Yours sincerely,
Pierre Delaage

Le 22/07/2013 16:29, Martin Beaudet a écrit :


We are tried to compile the OpenSSL (1.0.1e) for Windows CE (Standard SDK and also device SDK) using Visual Studio 2005 and also Visual Studio 2008.

We succeed to compiled the WCECompact as suggested in the INSTALL.WCE documents.

We followed the instruction of INSTALL.WCE but did not succeed to compile for Windows CE. Too much errors !

Then we came across this site :http://blog.csdn.net/sooner01/article/details/4289147

We succeeded farther away in the process, but now we have these new errors:

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(195) : warning C4013: 'getservbyname' undefined; assuming extern returning int

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(195) : warning C4047: '=' : 'servent *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(629) : error C2079: 'sa_in6' uses undefined struct 'sockaddr_in6'

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(776) : error C2224: left of '.sin6_addr' must have struct/union type

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(776) : error C2224: left of '.sin6_addr' must have struct/union type

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(776) : error C2168: 'memset' : too few actual parameters for intrinsic function

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(777) : error C2224: left of '.sin6_addr' must have struct/union type

.\crypto\bio\b_sock.c(861) : error C2079: 'sa_in6' uses undefined struct 'sockaddr_in6'

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\bin\x86_arm\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'


There seems to be problems with inclusions. On my Windows CE SDK platform the getservbyname function exists (also it's exists on the WCECompact).

The *sa_in6* struct exists in the " C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows CE Tools\wce500\{SDK-Platform}\Include\Armv4i\ws2tcpip.h"

The OpenSSL developers take the time to consider the Windows CE configuration, but it does not work at all L

Is there really someone who has succeed to compile this library for Windows CE ?

We really need OpenSSL, and it very urgent ! For several days we have been stuck on this compilation problem.

Hope someone have some fresh news ?

Best regards


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