Dear All,

i am trying to built the AF_ALG API to access kernel cryptographic API on
an ubuntu machine. I donwloaded the aF_ALG open SOurce code and followed
the instructions to compile it. I then copied the shared library in the
openssl engine path. But I have the following error when I tried to test
the the lib. Here the error :

openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine af
Error configuring OpenSSL
716306368:error:260BC095:engine routines:INT_ENGINE_CONFIGURE:engine
section error:eng_cnf.c:112:
716306368:error:0E07606D:configuration file routines:MODULE_RUN:module
initialization error:conf_mod.c:235:module=engines, value=openssl_engines,

Can someone throw some light as to what is it indicating me?



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