As the maintainer of an "alternative" JavaVM I can confirm that we
absolutely had to support library unloading because one customer was using
it heavily - and that was quite a few years ago. Early Sun VMs didn't
support library unloading, but then those VMs also did not garbage-collect
obsolete classes either.

> On 21-11-2014 23:23, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 04:13:58PM -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
>>>> A fixed amount of memory that is not deallocated and is independent
>>>> of the number of operations performed, is NOT a memory leak.
>>> Languages like Java and C# can continuously load and unload a library.
>>> You will see a growth in memory usage because the memory is not
>>> reclaimed.
>> Unloading of shared libraries is generally unsafe.  Loading and
>> unloading of pure of Java packages may work well enough, but I
>> would expect a Java runtime that unloads native libraries to stay
>> running for very long.
> That is horribly outdated information and an assumption that no
> competent library author should make or rely on others to make.
> On modern systems, unloading of shared libraries that are used
> as plugins, and by extension any shared libraries that might be
> referenced by plugins without being referenced by the plugin-using
> application core, is a normal and frequent operation supported
> by the core shared library loader and most shared libraries.
> If a library contains code that needs to be automatically called
> when it is loaded or unloaded without that being an exposed API
> level init/cleanup function, then the library porter needs to do
> the target specific gymnastics to get called by the (C) runtime
> at the appropriate times, and it needs to deal with common
> restrictions on what such calls from the (C) runtime are not
> allowed to do (one of which is recursive calls to the dynamic
> loader API).  For libraries written in C++, the static constructor
> and destructor language mechanisms are treated this way
> automatically and thus subject to the same limitations on
> permitted operations.
> Enjoy
> Jakob
> --
> Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.
> Transformervej 29, 2730 Herlev, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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