Am 06.07.16 um 16:02 schrieb Dr. Stephen Henson:
On Wed, Jul 06, 2016, Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

On Fri, Jul 01, 2016, Stephan M?hlstrasser wrote:

First the AlgorithmIdentifier includes the EC curve name:

  40   19:               SEQUENCE {
  42    7:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840
10045 2 1)
  51    8:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ansiX9p256r1 (1 2 840
10045 3 1 7)
         :                 }

In CMS objects created with OpenSSL with the same recipient
certificate, the curve name is always omitted. Is it possible to
make OpenSSL emit the curve name as well?

No as this is a violation of the standards. From RFC3278:

      originator MUST be the alternative originatorKey.  The
      originatorKey algorithm field MUST contain the id-ecPublicKey
      object identifier (see Section 8.1) with NULL parameters.  The
      originatorKey publicKey field MUST contain the DER-encoding of a
      value of the ASN.1 type ECPoint (see Section 8.2), which
      represents the sending agent's ephemeral EC public key.

Correction... that is not allowed by RFC3278 but is allowed in RFC5753 but
OpenSSL doesn't currently generate that format. It's not clear what purpose it
serves as the EC parameters are specified in the recipient's key and
certificate anyway.

So do I understand it correctly that OpenSSL currentls only supports RFC3278? Does that mean that it can't process CMS enveloped data objects that are created according to RFC5753?

In my other thread titled "Unable to decrypt CMS object encrypted with EC prime256v1 certificate" the CMS object that cannot be decrypted with OpenSSL does contain the EC parameters. Can that be related to the problem?

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