I do build with the no-asm option, and I'm seeing the problem.

I'm suspicious that somehow the compiler optimization is generating code
that doesn't work quite right on the UltraSPARC 2e.

I have seen this a few times now so I also felt, hrmmm, something not quite right happening on these old slow netra boxes. Which, by the way, make great indestructible DNS servers.

In any case I changed the CFLAGS for the solaris64-sparcv9-cc option in
Configure thus :


-m64 -xtarget=ultra2e -xarch=sparcvis -xchip=ultra2e -xcache=generic
-errfmt=error -erroff=%none -errshort=full -xstrconst -xildoff
-xmemalign=8s -xnolibmil -Xa -xcode=pic32 -xregs=no%appl -xlibmieee
-mc -g -xs -ftrap=%none -Qy -xbuiltin=%none -xdebugformat=dwarf

::-D_REENTRANT:ULTRASPARC:-lsocket -lnsl -ldl:

BN_LLONG RC4_CHAR RC4_CHUNK DES_INT DES_PTR DES_RISC1 DES_UNROLL BF_PTR:${sparcv9_asm}:dlfcn:solaris-shared:
-KPIC:-m64 -G -dy -z text:.so.\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):::/64",

So the objective was to correct the wrong -xarch flag that has been in there for ages and also to get a full debug version which would be easy to single step through.

So that works fine.

So what I will look for is where the time calc is done, single step through that and find out why we get a 0.00sec time.

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