I'd recommend using the official releases rather than the work-in-progress code at the head of git. Whoever looks after the library which needs OpenSSL should be able to tell you what version it needs, but from those names it's the 1.0.2 branch or earlier. 1.0.2 will be supported until the end of 2019, and its latest release is 1.0.2j. It's available from the downloads page at https://www.openssl.org/source/ and there may be built binary distributions available elsewhere.


On 01/11/2016 09:25, Ernst Maurer wrote:
Thank you for the reply,
I've tried to build dynamic version (import lib + dll) so I see the libs like:
and some other ones,

so do you mean that libeay32 and ssleay32 some depricated version ? and recommend me to go throu the git history for a looking for? (of course, I built from the head of git.)

P.S. I need this for the linking with Microsoft REST SDK (aka Casablanca)


On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 7:30 AM Jeremy Farrell <jeremy.farr...@oracle.com <mailto:jeremy.farr...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    I think this depends on what version of OpenSSL you're using and
    whether you're using static or dynamic libraries, none of which
    you mention. There were changes in library names in recent
    releases. Try reviewing the various NOTES, INSTALL, and README
    files for whichever version of OpenSSL you are working with.

    Note also that there are substantial API changes between major
    releases of OpenSSL; if the thing you are building expects
    particular names for the static or import library files, that
    suggests it probably expects a particular API version (not the
    newest one if it's expecting those names). If you use whatever
    version of OpenSSL the other library is expecting, it should have
    files with the expected names.


    On 31/10/2016 11:41, Ernst Maurer wrote:

    I'm not using openssl daily , just need to build and link it with
    another library.
    that lib requires libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib.
    Are these  ones from OpenSSL distribution?
    I've tried two options:
    1. download a few pre-built versions of the  binaries
    2. build own binaries from latest git

    both cases don't contain these lib (and dll) files.
    please assist


J. J. Farrell
Not speaking for Oracle

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