Hi Joachim,

>> It seems like the documentation for SSL_set_tlsext_host_name is gone.
>> Does anyone know where I can find the documentation? I am interested in the return values right now.

If I got it right:

1) ssl/tls1.h (line 334ff): #  define SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(s,name) \
334 SSL_ctrl(s,SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME,TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name,(char *)name)

2) https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man3/SSL_ctrl.html:
The return values of the SSL*_ctrl() functions depend on the command supplied via the *cmd* parameter.

3) ssl/s3_lib.c (line 3311 ff): case SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME:
returns 1 on success, and 0 on failure which also writes the cause to the SSL error handler.

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