> My number one complaint is that it seems like the defaults are generally set 
> up to do the wrong things, and the application has to either explicitly set 
> "yes, you should be secure" options or do stuff on its own.  This seems to 
> have been getting better - gaining hostname validation, for instance - but 
> really a client should be able to say "give me a secure connection to 
> host:port" and have sensible and secure things happen with a single call.  
> Maybe two, one to create a handle and the other to actually set up the 
> connection (to allow for intervening calls that customize the connection).

I agree with you, but a problem is that “safe and secure” changes over time 
when new  crypto and other new features are added. And then users get upset 
when their connections no longer work.

I think the right approach is to be able to specify a policy, then at least you 
know what you’re signing up for. Right now it’s a collection of low-level 
things.  And the policy is “SECLEVEL” which ain’t great.

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