On 13/02/2019 20:12, Matt Caswell wrote:

On 13/02/2019 17:32, Jakob Bohm via openssl-users wrote:
On 13/02/2019 12:26, Matt Caswell wrote:
Please see my blog post for an OpenSSL 3.0 and FIPS Update:


Given this announcement, a few questions arise:

- How will a FIPS provider in the main tarball ensure compliance
  with the strict code delivery and non-change requirements of the
  CMVP (what was previously satisfied by distributing physical
  copies of the FIPS canister source code, and sites compiling this
  in a highly controlled environment to produce a golden canister)?
My understanding is that physical distribution is no longer a requirement.
And the other things in that question?

Integrity of validated source code when other parts of the tarball
get regular changes?

Building the validated source code in a controlled environment
separate from the full tarball?

(If there are answers in the FIPS 3.0.0 draft spec, they need repeating).

- Will there be a reasonable transition period where users of the
  old FIPS-validated module can transition to the new module (meaning
  that both modules are validated and usable with a supported
  FIPS-capable OpenSSL library)?  I imagine that applications relying
  on the existing FIPS canister will need some time to quality test
  their code with all the API changes from OpenSSL 1.0.x to OpenSSL
  3.0.x .  OS distributions will also need some time to roll out the
  resulting feature updates to end users.
The old FIPS module will remain validated for some time to come, so both the old
and new modules will be validated at the same time for a while. 1.0.2 will go
EOL at the end of this year. The intention is that 3.0 will be available before
that. It's not yet clear exactly when 3.0 will become available and what the
overlap with 1.0.2 will be so I don't have an answer at this stage for
transition period.


So right now, FIPS-validated users are left hanging, with no date to
get a 3.0.0 code drop to start porting and a looming deadline for the
1.0.x API.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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